frozen pipes plumbing

How to Avoid Frozen Pipes

Frozen Pipes Tips

Freezing temperatures are here. This may have you thinking about your furnace, but you should also be mindful of your household plumbing, frozen pipes risk.

When the temperature drops below freezing, there’s always the potential that the water in some pipes may freeze. In the best-case scenario, the ice temporarily stops the flow of water before thawing when temperatures rise. But it doesn’t take extreme temperatures for expanding ice to actually break a vulnerable pipe, putting your home at risk for leaks or even significant flooding.

During winter, keep these tips in mind to avoid this messy and costly problem.

Knowing is Half the Battle

Most homeowners don’t know the locations of every foot of pipe in their homes. A pipe that is heated or well insulated in some areas may be fully exposed to the elements somewhere else down the line. All it takes is a small frozen section to result in a major break. So to know where you might be at risk, ask your local plumber to conduct a thorough audit of your plumbing system for freezing risks. Read more