Plumbing Inspection Before Buying a Home

Plumbing Inspection Before Buying a Home

A plumbing inspection can help protect a homebuyer from making a  bad investment. If you’re a first time homebuyer, knowing when to get a plumbing inspection can help you make a smart buying decision and can  also help you purchase a home that will be right for you.

You See Evidence of Leaks

One of the most obvious times to get a plumbing inspection is when  you see evidence of leaks in the home. Leaks can take many forms. Common  evidence of leaks include:

  • Corrosion on the pipes: Corrosion on the pipes can be a sign of frequent, long-term exposure to water.
  • Water damage in the vicinity of pipes: Water damage  under the sink, behind the toilet and in other plumbed areas of the  house could be a sign that the pipes need to be repaired.
  • Mold and mildew in areas around the pipes: Look for  mold and mildew in places under the sink, around the toilet and in  other parts of the bathroom, basement and kitchen. Although mold could  happen for other reasons, this could be a sign of a leak.

The Home is Plumbed With Galvanized Pipes

Galvanized pipes are made of steel covered in zinc. These pipes were  commonly used in the middle part of the 20th century. Many galvanized  pipes are now brittle, rusted and corroded.  Making repairs to galvanized pipes can be difficult, and in some homes  these pipes should be replaced. If the home you are thinking about  buying has galvanized pipes, having them inspected by a plumber can help  you decide whether or not the home will need to be completely replumbed.

You’re Concerned About Lead

The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1986 prohibited the use of lead in plumbing that provided water for human  consumption, however, lead was a component that was used in pipes up  until June 1986. Lead water piping can still be found in some homes,  particularly at the point where the home’s plumbing connects to the  public water supply. The presence of lead water lines will vary from one  community to the next and one house to the next, and may depend on the  age of the house.
Lead is a serious concern and can cause permanent physical damage,  especially to young people. A plumber may be able to identify lead pipes  if they are visible. It’s important to note a plumber can only identify  lead pipes that are visible, and cannot vouch for presence of lead  pipes in the walls or inaccessible parts of the house. If the plumber  finds lead piping in the home, the best way to find out if lead is a  problem in the drinking water is to have the water tested by a qualified  laboratory.

You’re Concerned About the Sewer or Septic Tank

One slow drain is typically no concern for a home buyer, but many  slow drains in the house could point to a potential sewer or septic tank  clog. If the home you’re thinking about buying has multiple slow  drains, have the sewers (or septic tank) inspected by a plumber to  determine if this is because of a clog. Buying a place with a septic system can be a little daunting if you’ve never dealt with one before, but it is actually not too difficult to navigate.

When in Doubt, Ask Your Real Estate Agent

If you think the home you would like to buy is in need of plumbing  repair, don’t worry! Your real estate agent can help you determine  whether or not a re-negotiation of the price of the house is in order.

Contact I&C Mechanical, Inc Today

Do you have further questions about choosing a great plumber ? Don’t hesitate to contact I&C Mechanical, Inc today! Our expert plumbers are highly skilled at what they do. Here at I&C Mechanical, Inc, we fit the bill for high-quality, low-cost service

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